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Each year, an increasing number of adults take the decision to start orthodontic treatment to straighten their smiles. Some had braces back in their teenage years and neglected to wear their retainers whilst others weren’t so lucky to have the opportunity to have them when they were younger.
Of course, the reason why we’re seeing such a growth in the number of adults being fitted with braces is partly to do with the fact that we’re seeing constant developments in orthodontic treatments which means that it’s now possible to straighten your teeth without anyone need even knowing thanks to the likes of Invisalign and lingual braces. The fact that so many celebrities are openly visiting the orthodontist doesn’t hurt either!
As such, we recently put together the below infographic which looks at why ‘It’s Never Too Late To Straighten Your Smile‘ which looks at the arguments for getting braces as an adult and at just some of the attractive options.
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